Friday, July?30, 2010
Well yesterday was a nice relaxing day.? We drove to a nearby creek and the boys went swimming for a little while, then on to a little town for some ice cream and coffee.?? Then, back at camp we had some BBQ chicken, veggies and some sweet potatoe fries, YUMMO!?? I finished my book I was reading?what a nice relaxing day.?
Today we are leaving Yellowstone and heading thru Montana to a town called Billings where they?have a part to fix our mirror on the drivers side.?? Driving a motor home with no mirror on the drivers side is a little difficult and scarey so we are hoping the 2 hours goes by uneventful and we make it to the auto dealer with no problems.? Thank goodness for cell phones as Bill called them yesterday and they had the parts we need overnighted to their garage and hopefully will be waiting for us to arrive.
Well I know it has been a few days with no?pretty post from me so I’m hoping once we get into a bigger town I will be able to find some internet access to show you some beautiful scenery both from Yellowstone and Convention. 🙂
Have a Great Day!