Yet another Gift Idea with my Little Plastic Boxes!
December 5, 2008 Yes, the little plastic box again!? LOL? I’m really liking my little boxes.? This time I wrapped 2 Ghirardelli chocolates with Designer
Another Gift with the little box
December 4, 2008 Here is another little gift I made with the little plastic box in mind.? I found that the little 3 X 3
A little Gift
December 3, 2008 Yesterday I started making little gifts after I found these little plastics boxes tucked away in my cupboard.? I have a pile
A Re-Do
December 2, 2008 Remember the Just Basketball card a few days ago??? I did a card using the Just Basketball stamp set from the Manly
Last Day of the Holiday Extravaganza Sale!
December 1, 2008 Today is the last day to take advantage of the Holiday Extravaganza Sale!? The All in the Family Bundle is all sold
Autumn Harvest
November 30, 2008 In keeping with the Bundles I found a sample my Card Club did using the Autumn Harvest stamp set.? This is in