Neil’s Party!

Monday, March 7, 2016 Yesterday was a great day! We started off the day by going to church and the congregation said prayers for our son Neil who is leaving for the Marine’s boot camp next Sunday. We also got to welcome home our daughter and son-in-law. Zach just ended 8 years in the Marines Read More

Honeycomb Happiness

Sunday, March 6, 2016 This was another Wink of Stella card that we did in my card club this month. We used the Clear Wink of Stella Glitter Brush on the Ice Cream on the Birthday Bouquet Designer Series. We then stamped the sentiment and the Ice Cream Cone from the Honeycomb Happiness stamp set Read More

Lovely As a Tree

Friday, March 4, 2016 Last month at our team meeting Sara demonstrated how to do the double silk technique. We all made a sample during the meeting and had to come back this month with how we used it on our project. I used my sample on a card and this is it. We used Read More

Featured Stamp Set for March – Bountiful Border

Thursday, March 3, 2016 This is the Bountiful Border Stamp Set and It Is GORGEOUS! This is made using the Wide Clear Stamp Case and it has 6 Gorgeous cards inside with envelopes. I paired the stamp set with the Timeless Elegance Designer Series Paper and the Expressions Natural Elements and the Gold Wink of Read More

Party Wishes/Bundle

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 I did this card for the sketch challenge at the Paper Craft Crew. Since today is the last day you can place an order and receive the Party Wishes/Bundle featured project I thought I might as well use those supplies and give you one last idea using this fun bundle of Read More