Little Frosty

Monday, November 11, 2013 Today’s card is another card we will be making at Julie’s Stampin’ Up! party tonight. We will be using the “Best of Snow” #134387 $14.95 which has the little Frosty snowman image in it. If you want to see the complete set of images in this stamp set click HERE. The Read More

Lovely As A Tree

Sunday, November 10, 2013 Today I have a card to show you that we will be doing at Julie’s workshop tomorrow. Julie wanted everyone to make 4 cards and she requested that they be cards that could be for Christmas or other occasions. I love the Lovely As A Tree #128655 $27.95 or #127793 $19.95 Read More

In Colors

Saturday, November 9, 2013 Well, Dad had some more testing done and we should know the results by Wednesday or Thursday next week. So far so good though. Today I have the 5 new In Color cards I’m working on finishing up for my In Color Club. They will be going out in the mail Read More

Good Snail Mail Day

Thursday, November 7, 2013 Parents Update – Well they released my dad yesterday afternoon after doing a few more tests they are fairly confident that the chest pain is not from his heart. Which is good news but still we do not know why he is having the chest pain. Mom did good and I Read More

Santa’s List

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Well I didn’t get my card done for the Paper Craft Crew sketch challenge today because I had to take my dad into emergency. He is having chest pain and they think possible blocked arteries. After they admitted him and got him settled into his room I went to spend the Read More

Modern Medley DSP

Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Today is the sketch challenge at Try Stampin’ On Tuesday. Here is the sketch for this week: An additional challenge was to make it Vintage. Well that is not my strong suit so here is my take on it: I used the Modern Medley DSP #126926 $10.95 on this card and Read More