Monday, November 9, 2009
I’m going to first back track a little bit.? I awoke Sunday at 4?AM to the phone ringing, it was my dad the hospital called and said they were moving my Mom to ICU.?? When we got to the hospital we found her in ICU with a breathing thing on and a big coil thingie that had hot air blowing thru it to warm her up her temp had fallen quite low.? They said at 2AM they tried to wake her up and she was unresponsive.? They had given her a sleeping pill and apparently since her kidneys weren’t working the sleeping pill from before was still in her system so it was like a double dose plus her sugar level dropped to 43, so the combination of low sugar and the sleeping pill made her unresponsive.?
Now, for today (Monday) I get to the hospital at around 9:50 am and they come in and say we are going to put the stints in the kidneys today.? What, she just ate breakfast, well something needs to be done so they did the kidneys today and if all goes well the Open Heart Surgery will take place at the end of this week beginning of next week.?
It has been a Long couple of weeks and more long days and nights to come.? Thanks so much for your prayers keep them coming and I’ll try to keep you posted as much as I can.